When selecting a tree from a nursery for planting, there are a few things to consider: the longevity of the species, the size and height that it will attain, its general suitability to the environment and, the number one of priorities: safety. There are certain species of trees that, to put it nicely, have a bit of a reputation. They are known to readily fail; either by dropping branches (known as limb failure) or by completely falling over (known as complete tree failure). In an urban environment around people, cars and infrastructure, these kinds of trees should be avoided at all cost. A list of the most common are included below:

The Nastiest Offenders
Eucalyptus grandis (flooded gum)
Eucalyptus saligna (Sydney blue gum) Not in WA
Eucalyptus botryoides
Eucalyptus camalulensis var. obtusa
Eucalyptus camalulensis var. camalulensis
Eucalyptus racemosa (scribbly gum) Not in WA
Erithrina indicia (coral tree)
The Occasional Offenders
Corymbia citriodora (lemon scented gum)
Corymbia maculate (spotted gum)
Eucalyptus robusta
Eucalyptus major
Eucalyptus propinqua
Eucalyptus punctata (grey gums)
Eucalyptus tereticornis (forest red gum, Queensland blue gum)
Eucalyptus seeana (narrow leaved gum)
Eucalyptus alba (salmon gum)
Angophora leiocarpa (smooth barked apple gum)
Angophora costata