The Project Arborist is sometimes called the Project Arboricultural Consultant. They the person responsible for carrying out the Arboricultural Assessment Report, consultation with designers, specifying tree protection measures, monitoring and certification.
Before and during the construction stage the Project Arborist inspects, monitors and provides the certification compliance documents, according to the Australian Standard 4970-2009 “Protection of Trees on Developments Sites”.
Before the Construction Works
Pre-Construction site meeting must take place to outline the working methods in relation to protecting trees, with the Project Arboricultural Consultant, Site Engineers, Manager, Supervisors, Leading hands, the Tree Surgery Works company and those installing the Tree Protection Fences.
Tree pruning and tree removal works must be done, as presented on the Arboricultural Assessment Report. The tree removals and tree pruning are to be carried out by a qualified Arborist minimum (AQF level 3), in accordance with the Australian Standard 4373-2007 “Pruning of Amenity Trees”.
Pre-Construction Completion Compliance Report No. 1. The Project Arboricultural Consultant must inspect the completion of the tree works and the installation of the Tree Protection Fences and Signs. Providing a Pre-Construction Completion Compliance Report that the tree worksand the installation of the tree protection fences are completed, in accordance with the Australian Standards (4970-2009) “Protection of trees on development sites”, under “Actions” in section 2 and 5.3.1, 5.4.2, 5.4.3. This report must be submitted to the Local Government Authority.
During the Construction Works
Regular Monitoring of the trees. The Project Arboricultural Consultant must inspect and monitor the trees at regular intervals, once a month (and at critical stages during the main construction phase) and record them for inclusion into the Certification Compliance Monitoring Report No. 2. This report must be submitted to the Local Government Authority.
Completion of the Construction Works
Remove the Tree Protection Fences only upon completion of the Main Construction works.
The Project Arboricultural Consultant must provide a Completion Certification Compliance Report No. 3 that the Tree Protection Fences have been removed and report on the trees’ vigour and structural conditions after the construction has finished. This report must be submitted to the Local Government Authority.
The funding for these reports must be put aside and made available at the required times.
The cost and expense of these scheduled monthly inspections and the Compliance Certification Reports might seem to be a lot of extra money, to protect the trees on development sites. However, they are insignificant compared to the infringement notices and fines under the Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Planning and Development Regulations 2009.
