Today, a lot of people are building their new homes. But before that can happen, the Local Council Authority, require a building development application (DA). A part of the DA requires an Arborist Report, or sometimes called an Arboricultural Report. I understand that they are asking for a Preliminary Tree Survey (pre DA) and the Preliminary Arboricultural Report (for DA), to go with their building application.
However, I keep coming up against the same situation. Economics over tree protection integrity. People only wont a report on one or two trees - when the Australian Standards (4970-2009) “Protection of Trees on Development Sites”, states that, “All trees…in the site survey should be…assessed” (Page 10).
I have managed to convince some that the report will need to assess all the trees on the property, even if a lot of trees are irrelevant and need to be removed and a few to remain.
Sometimes in the past, I have assessed the one or two trees, then the council have come back and wanted the rest of trees assessed.
Other times, I have written the report on the one (1) tree and stated that the other ten (10) trees will need to be inspected in the near future and placed within the report, before they can put in their DA.
I think it is all about economics, because ten to twenty tree inspections are more than one to two trees. Yet, the difference between a Preliminary Tree Assessment and/or the Arboricultural Report for two trees and ten trees can be $700.00 or more.[1] So really, it’s about economics!
I’m pretty well bound by the AS (4970-2009) Protection of Trees on Development Sites, the Planning and Development Act 2005 and the Planning and Development Regulations 2009.
So, at Arborology WA, we survey and report on ALL the trees on your property, because tree protection integrity, is very important to us, the general public and the Local and State Government Authorities.
P. 040 342 3377

[1] Based on the tree data spreadsheets and photograph file being separate to the main report for economical Arborist Reports. Full Arboricultural Reports contain within the document the tree data spreadsheets and all tree photographs, at a slightly more cost.