An Arboricultural Forensic Investigation has five (5) factors.
Build, Interview, Collect, Connect & Present
1. Build a timeframe of events.
The tree in question was in good health and structural condition around the 1st of July 2021. The severe decline in the health of the tree started the 1st of August 2021 to the present the 3rd December 2021. See the photographic evidence within the report.
2. Interview all the people involved.
Interviewed tree owner and obtained signed statement and photographs, dated 3/12/21.
Interviewed Mrs Smith and obtained a Statutory Declaration, dated 4/12/21.
3. Collect all the evidence at the scene.
Collected leaf and soil samples from the site, dated 3/12/21.
Collected tree data, dated the 3/12/21.
Collected photographs from tree owner and took photographs, dated 3/12/21.
The results from the leaf and soil samples returned a high level of Glyphosate, dated 25/1/22.
The tree valuation, dated July 2021 was $21,545.00
The tree valuation, dated December 2021 1s $1,170.00
Loss of $20,375.00
4. Logically connect all these factors to provide objective answers to difficult questions.
This Arboricultural Consultant cannot say for certain that the owner of No. 2 Jones Street, Baysville poisoned the tree in question. However, the evidence strongly indicates they are responsible for the severe decline in the health of the tree.
This mature tree specimen was a part of the Urban Tree Forest and did provide significant tree benefits. This included shade, air purification, temperature reduction, wind protection, carbon sequestration, giving off of oxygen, reducing noise levels, visual amenity value to the suburb, as well as providing numerous other health, sociological and environmental benefits.
5. Present all the circumstances into a meaningful and accurate conclusion.
That would be the Independent Arboricultural Report for the Arboricultural Forensic Investigation - No. 227.2022, dated 30/1/22.
My client sued the person who poisoned their tree for the loss of $20,375.00 plus costs.
NOTE: This a hypothetical case is based on four Arboricultural Forensic Investigations, all people and circumstances have been concealed. Tree photo from a random location in the Perth hill.
